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France: transport prices at a standstill May 2024

The political situation in France has somewhat brought the road transport market there to a standstill. 

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2024 Financial Panorama of the World's Leading Transport Groups

The slowdown in economic activity which began in 2022 continued in 2023. 

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Spain: changes in road freight rates in Q1 2024

Road transport prices in Spain have held up relatively well in the domestic market.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • June 2024

Maritime freight rates continued to climb for much of June before plateauing.

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Container shipping scenarios in S2 2024 

The world's major economies will have to address the Red Sea blockage in order to bring down sea freight rates.

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Road transport Barometer in France May 2024

Transport prices are not benefiting from the natural tension created by numerous bank holidays and long weekends.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • May 2024

Freight rates continued to climb, more because of the geopolitical situation than excessive demand.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q1 2024

This report empowers your decision-making process with data-driven analysis and expert insights.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • April 2024

As a passage by the Cape of Good Hope becomes commonplace, a certain strain on capacity is being felt.

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Road transport Barometer in France April 2024

Road transport prices in France fell in April 2024 by another 1.3% month-on-month.

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Road transport Barometer in France February 2024

Road freight transport prices in France stopped falling in February, but the sector remains in turmoil.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • February 2024

The rise in freight rates in the Asia-Europe trade is slowing but transpacific rates are continuing to climb.

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Slump in January on road transport prices 

The drop in demand, blockades, and sluggish economic prospects are plunging French transport into a slump. 

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Air Cargo Industry Review 2023 • February 2024

After having registered good results during the pandemic, particularly in 2021, the industry faced challenges in 2022.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • January 2024

World maritime trade is unsettled in this early part of the year, with geopolitical uncertainty the main factor.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q4 2023

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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France: road transport prices still falling in December

Unsurprisingly, road transport prices continued to fall in December on the French market

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Geopolitical developments drive up freight rates

December 2023 was marked by the start of a recovery in freight rates, after a particularly bearish year...

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The outlook for European road transport in 2024

The industry is facing major challenges: the economic downturn, the unpredictability of costs & decarbonisation.

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Our 3 scenarios for the container shipping sector in 2024

The industry is facing numerous potential sources of inflation and instability. Freight rates will certainly be higher in 2024.

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Road transport Barometer in France November 2023

In an extremely gloomy atmosphere, road freight transport prices continued to fall on the French market.

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2023 review of road transport in Europe

With falling demand for transport and rising operating costs, the balance of power is once again favouring the shippers.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • November 2023

Freight rates remained critical for the shipping companies, and geopolitical tensions complicated their operations.

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Container shipping in 2023

Shipping prices, once at record highs in 2022, dropped due to economic instability and market oversupply.

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Spain: temperature-controlled road freight transport

Review, analysis and challenges of temperature-controlled freight transport in Spain.

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Road transport Barometer in France October 2023

Road transport prices on the French market fell slightly in October 2023 compared to the previous month but remain at a high level.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • October 2023

The first signs of a return to growth in demand has halted the erosion of ocean freight rates.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q3 2023

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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Road transport Barometer in France September 2023

Despite a complicated economic situation, transport prices seem definitively to be heading towards the summits in September.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • September 2023

BAROMETER. Pending the gradual implementation of ETS surcharges, the collapse in prices continues.

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2023-2024 Ocean Freight Contract Negotiations

Should shippers sign up quickly or bide their time? Here are some considerations to be taken into account.

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Road transport Barometer in France August 2023

In August, French transport players were caught between the rise of diesel prices and the decline in volumes. 

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • August 2023

Month after month, it is becoming increasingly clear that the recovery in the Chinese economy.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q2 2023

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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Road transport Barometer in France July 2023

BAROMETER. Transport prices in France grew by more than 2% month-on-month in July.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • July 2023

In 2024, the integration of maritime transport into the emissions trading system could change the rules of the game.

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White Paper: supply chain diversification

The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the vulnerability of global trade and supply chains.

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Spanish freight transport in 2022


The slowdown in the Spanish economy in 2022 has weighed on the development of road and rail freight transport. 

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Overview of freight transport in Germany

Germany has developed a powerful transport and logistics ecosystem. Our white paper provides an overview of the sector.

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2023 Financial Panorama of the World's Leading Transport Groups

Most of the world's leading transport and logistics companies experienced strong growth in their financial results in 2022.


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Road transport Barometer in France June 2023

Road transport rates fell in June 2023, as did costs, in a morose economic climate. Market consolidation picked up speed.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • June 2023

The first half was a very morose one for the container shipping companies and the big NVOCCs.

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Road transport Barometer in France May 2023

Road transport prices in France rose by 1.1% in May, as public holidays led to a concentration of demand.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • May 2023

BAROMETER. Shipping companies are slowing down their ships to reduce overcapacity.

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Road transport Barometer in France April 2023

Road transport prices rose slightly in April month-on-month, in a difficult market. The situation of carriers is very variable.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • April 2023

The fall in ocean freight marked time in April and supply chain reliability started to recover.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q1 2023

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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Road transport Barometer in France Mars 2023

BAROMETER. March is following the same pattern as February. Firstly, inflation continued to rise.

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Road transport in Germany: a coveted market

Road freight transport accounts for almost three quarters of the total goods transported by land in Germany.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • March 2023

The container shipping sector is still in the woes. The fall in freight rates has now spread to the transatlantic trades.

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Road transport Barometer in France February 2023

The impact of the rise in diesel prices and decrease in transported volumes explain this observation.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • February 2023

Spot rates for goods leaving China are now lower than contract rates but, on other routes, prices have stayed at acceptable levels.

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Air Cargo Industry Review 2022


Global air freight volumes dropped below their pre-pandemic levels in 2022 to 250.2 billion tonne-kilometres. 

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Road transport Barometer in France January 2023

Road transport prices in France slowed down in January 2023, as in the previous month. 

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q4 2022

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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The outlook for European road transport in 2023 • January 2023

The deterioration of the economy will have an impact on volumes, at least in the first half of the year.

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Road transport Barometer in France December 2022

Road transport prices in France started to fall again in December 2022 according to the Upply Freight Index.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • December 2022

With demand for goods from China still very weak, the shipping companies have cancelled a large number of port calls.

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Our three scenarios for container shipping in 2023 • January 2023

The year 2023 will mark the end of windfall profits for shipping companies, in a context of profound transformation of freight flows.

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French Road Transport Prices Evolution • November 2022

The Upply Freight Index shows a month-on-month rise in road transport prices in France in November 2022. 


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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • November 2022

Ocean freight rates are continuing to fall, and the quality of shipping services is still lacking, even if port congestion is easing.

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2022 review of road freight transport in Europe

The moment has come to devote some time for the traditional exercise of the year's assessment.


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Container shipping in 2022


The fall in spot rates in the transpacific and Asia-Europe trades has speeded up since the summer of 2022.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • October 2022

Asia-Europe freight rates suggest that shipping lines are heading for a runway excursion rather than a soft landing.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q3 2022

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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French Road Transport Prices Evolution • September 2022

The Upply Freight Index demonstrates the resistance in road transport prices in France, despite a decelerating economy. 


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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • September 2022

The Covid-19 crisis has undoubtedly shattered the traditional cycles of containerised maritime shipping.

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French Road Transport Prices Evolution • August 2022

For the first time this year, road transport prices fall according to the Upply Freight Index. 


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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • August 2022

August results have confirmed the fall in Western demand and the drop in spot rates for goods from China.

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French Road Transport Prices Evolution • July 2022

Road freight transport prices are still on the rise, with +2.2% growth in July compared to June. 

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • July 2022

The beginning of the summer saw a reasonable erosion in sea freight rates from Asia.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q2 2022

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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Overview of freight transport in Spain

The transport and logistics sector is a major player in the Spanish economy, which today has a European dimension. 

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2022 Financial Panorama of the World's Leading Transport Groups

The economic and operating environment in 2021 was clearly beneficial to the global leaders in the transport and logistics sector.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • June 2022

FAK rates have fallen below the psychological bar of 5 digits for imports from Asia to Northern Europe.

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French Road Transport Prices Evolution • June 2022

With a further 0.8% increase in June, road transport prices in France are soaring higher and higher.

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French Road Transport Prices Evolution • May 2022

Road transport prices rose by a further 0.7% in May compared to April, according to the Upply Freight Index.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • May 2022

Despite weakening demand, the shipping companies kept control of the market in May.

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Spain: the ''long march'' ahead for rail freight

In the rail freight transport sector in Spain, the most important development has been the liberalisation decided at an EU level.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • April 2022

The shipping companies have been able to maintain an average price increase despite a fall in cargo volumes.

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French Road Transport Prices Evolution • April 2022

With a further increase of 4.4% in April, road transport prices in France have never reached such heights.

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Spanish ports drive logistics chain modernisation

The ports play a key role in Spain's external trade since they handle 60% of exports and 85% of imports.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q1 2022

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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Road transport Barometer in France • March 2022

Unsurprisingly, road transport prices in France skyrocketed in March according to our Upply barometer.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • March 2022

The war in Ukraine is now the focus of attention, due to the human tragedies that are taking place.

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Changes in Spanish road transport


Spanish Road freight transport (RFT) is a key sector of its economy and a major player in Europe.

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Road transport Barometer in France • February 2022

Road transport prices in France rose again in February as shown by our Upply barometer.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • February 2022

As the pandemic continues to block any change in the situation in Asia and the war in Ukraine has come as a new blow.

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Road transport Barometer in France • January 2022

Road transport prices in France increased again in January 2022, as indicated by our Upply barometer.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • January 2022

MONTHLY BAROMETER. Ocean freight rates increased slightly again in January before the Chinese New Year.

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Air Freight 2021 

In 2021, global air freight volumes overtook their pre-pandemic level and freight rates broke all records.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q4 2021

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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The outlook for European road transport in 2022

European road freight transport should benefit from a continuingly dynamic economy in 2022. 

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The prospects for container shipping in 2022

The shipping companies want and seem to hold all the cards they need to do even better in 2022.

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Road transport Barometer in France • December 2021

Road transport prices in France rose again in December 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • December 2021

Freight rates started climbing again on the major East-West trade routes in December after the slight reduction seen in November.

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Road transport Barometer in France • November 2021

Road transport prices in France rose significantly in November 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • November 2021

Demand seems to be easing, leading to a decrease in ocean freight rates for containers in November.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • October 2021

The month of October saw a dip in FAK container shipping rates except in the transpacific trades.

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Road transport Barometer in France • October 2021

Road transport prices in France stagnated again in October 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q3 2021

The Transport Intelligence, IRU and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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International Transport Barometer • October 2021

The world economy has confirmed that it is in a V-shaped recovery process, which is supporting global trade.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • September 2021

One thing is clear in this post-summer holiday period: shippers are having to pay a lot more for services.

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Road transport Barometer in France • September 2021

Road transport prices in France rose only very slightly again in September 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Turbulent conditions for 2022 ocean freight contract negotiations

The shipping companies look likely to change the rules as the new annual freight contract negotiating season.

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Road transport Barometer in France • August 2021

Road transport prices in France rose very slightly in August 2021 up 0.1%, according to our Upply Freight Index.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • August 2021

Inflationary trends and the approach of the peak season mean that any downward movement is excluded.

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Air freight flourishes in first half 


Global air freight volumes exceeded 2019 pre-Covid levels by 8% in the first half of 2021.

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Road transport Barometer in France • July 2021

French road transportation prices fell by 0.5% in July 2021, according to our Upply Freight Index.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • July 2021

An increase in ships' average speeds, demand which has reached a plateau compared to the growth of the first half.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q2 2021

The Transport Intelligence and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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International Transport Barometer • July 2021

In the first half of 2021, the economy has recovered significantly. Shipping and air freight prices remain above pre-crisis levels.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • June 2021

Ocean freight rates continued to rise in June on all major routes. A soft landing is starting to look likely, however, in the summer.

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Road transport Barometer in France • June 2021

Road transportation prices in France rose by 0.8% in June 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Financial Panorama of the World's Leading Transport Groups • July 2021

Find the 2020 financial results of the main transport and logistics groups, analysed in the light of the global economic situation.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • May 2021

The rise is being fuelled by strong Western demand against a background of growing uncertainty.

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2011-2021 China-Europe Rail Freight: Ten-Year Review

In 2011, the China Railway Express was just a route for shipping laptops from southwestern China to Germany.

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Road transport Barometer in France • May 2021

Road transportation prices in France rose by 0.3% in May according to our monthly Upply barometer.

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • April 2021

The rise in freight rates is continuing and is now affecting virtually all maritime trade routes.

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Road transport Barometer in France • April 2021

Road transportation prices resumed their rise in France in April 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q1 2021

The Transport Intelligence and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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International Transport Barometer • April 2021

The health crisis plunged most industrialised countries into a major economic recession.

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Air Freight Barometer • April 2021


Cargo volumes returned to pre-Covid levels, helped by the continuing disorganisation of supply chains.


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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • March 2021

Helped by strong demand, container shipping freight rates stayed at high levels in March.

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Road transport Barometer in France • March 2021

Road transportation prices remained almost stable (-0.2%) in France in March 2021, according to our Upply barometer. 

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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • February 2021

The fall in demand generally seen at the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations did not occur this year.

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Road transport Barometer in France • February 2021

Road transport prices stayed stable in France in February 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Air Freight Barometer • March 2021


In this favourable climate, transport prices remain at high levels even if they have shown a seasonal reduction.


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Monthly Container Shipping Barometer • January 2021

 This is the Container Shipping Barometer to follow market developments closely in this particularly volatile period.

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Air Freight Barometer • January 2021


The air freight industry registered a 10.6% drop in demand in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.


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Road transport Barometer in France • January 2021

French road transport prices increased by 1.2% in January 2021, according to our Upply barometer.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q4 2020

The Transport Intelligence and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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International Transport Barometer January 2021

What are the price trends for air and sea freight transport in the context of a sustainable pandemic?

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The outlook for European road transportation in 2021 • January 

The Covid-19 pandemic will continue to mark road freight transportation in this new year.

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Seaborne container transport in 2020 • December 2020

2020 will remain in the annals as an exceptional year which has been full of surprises.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q3 2020

The Transport Intelligence and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.

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International Transport Barometer • October 2020

Upply is launching an "International Transport Barometer", which aims to shed light on price trends transport.

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Benchmark of European road freight rates in Q2 2020

The Transport Intelligence and Upply report devoted to the evolution of road freight rates.